Holly Bates
Assistant Professor, Biology BSc (Ottawa), PhD (Toronto), Postdoc (Mount Sinai Hospital) [email protected] Research interests: Obesity; Diabetes; Stress; Glucocorticoids; Brown fat; Thermogenesis |
Ingrid Brenner
Associate Professor, Kinesiology BPHE, BSc, BScN (Toronto), MSc (Queen's), PhD (Toronto), PhD (Queen's) [email protected] Research interests: Exercise in health promotion; Exercise for special populations (patients with cardiovascular disease, hemodialysis, pregnancy, elderly); Exercise immunology; Thermal stress physiology |
Liana Brown
Associate Professor, Psychology BSc, MSc (Waterloo), MS, PhD (Pennsylvania State) [email protected] Lab website: https://actlab.squarespace.com/ Research interests: Learning and performing of motor skills; Roles of vision and proprioception in skill learning and performance; Effect of brain injury and neurological disorders on movement performance |
Craig Brunetti
Dean of Graduate Studies Professor, Biology BSc, PhD (McMaster) [email protected] Research interests: Molecular virology; Viral pathogenesis |
RJ Neil Emery
Professor and Chair, Biology BSc (Queen's), PhD (Calgary), Postdoc (Western Australia, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) [email protected] Lab website: https://www.emerylab.com/ Research interests: Plant physiology and biochemistry; Interkingdom interactions; Signaling molecules and hormones; Cytokinins; Mass spectrometry and metabolomics |
Neil Fournier
Associate Professor, Psychology Director, Graduate Program in Psychology BSc (Laurentian), MSc (Dalhousie), PhD (Saskatchewan), Postdoc (Yale) [email protected] Research interests: Brain plasticity; Neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders; Neural mechanisms involved in distinguishing safe from potentially threatening environments (learned safety) |
Kirk Hillsley
Assistant Professor, Biology BSc, PhD (Sheffield) [email protected] Research interests: Effects of stress and infection on the microbiota - gut - brain axis; Peripheral central nervous system interactions; Neurophysiology |
Robert Huber
Director and Co-Founder, Trent University Molecules, Cells & Systems Research Centre Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Biology BSc, PhD (Toronto), Postdoc (Harvard Medical School) [email protected] Lab website: http://www.huberlab.ca/ Research interests: Lysosomes; Intracellular trafficking; Protein secretion; Signal transduction; Molecular networking; Extracellular matrix; Calcium and calmodulin; Batten disease; Dictyostelium discoideum |
Carolyn Kapron
Associate Professor Emerita, Biology Co-Founder, Trent University Molecules, Cells & Systems Research Centre BSc (Waterloo), MSc, PhD (McGill) [email protected] Research interests: Developmental biology and toxicology; Cellular and molecular basis of abnormal embryonic development; Stress-activated signal transduction pathways; Vascular development |
Leslie Kerr
Associate Professor, Biology BSc, MSc (Carleton), PhD (UBC) [email protected] Research interests: Behavioural neuroscience; Environmental stressors and developmental plasticity |
Hugo Lehmann
Dean, Trent/Fleming School of Nursing Associate Professor, Psychology BA (Concordia), MSc (Alberta), PhD (Concordia) [email protected] Research interests: Neural circuits involved in acquiring, storing, and retrieving memory; Mechanisms involved in long-term consolidation and temporally graded retrograde amnesia; Emotion and mnemonic function |
Sanela Martic
Associate Professor, Forensic Science BSc (Bishop's), MSc (McMaster), PhD (Queen's) [email protected] Lab website: https://sites.google.com/trentu.ca/marticlab Research interests: Protein aggregation and human disease; Biosensor development; Therapy development; Environmental and forensic toxicology; Sustainable chemistry |
Steven Rafferty
Professor and Chair, Chemistry BSc (Waterloo), PhD (UBC) [email protected] Research interests: Bioinorganic chemistry; Heme proteins; Giardia intestinalis |
Barry Saville
Associate Professor, Forensic Science BSc (Guelph), MSc, PhD (Toronto) [email protected] Research interests: Microbe interactions in biology and forensics; Microbial metal tolerance; Transcriptome, transcript, and functional RNA analysis |
Stephanie Tobin
Assistant Professor, Biology BSc (Western), PhD (York) [email protected] Lab website: https://www.stephaniewalestobin.com/ Research interests: Stem cell physiology; Striated muscle pathologies; Aging; Inflammation and tissue repair; Signal transduction |
Sarah West
Associate Dean, Science Associate Professor, Kinesiology BPHE, MSc, PhD (Toronto) [email protected] Research interests: Exercise physiology; Exercise and bone health; Exercise in chronic disease; Bone physiology |
Janet Yee
Professor, Biology BSc (Toronto), MSc (Queen's), PhD (UBC) [email protected] Lab website: https://www.jyee.ca/Yee_lab_website/Home.html Research interests: Gene expression; Heme proteins; RNA-splicing; Protein interactions; Giardia intestinalis |